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DWI / DUI / Traffic Tickets

If you are charged with DWI, DUI, or other traffic offenses you need to hire attorneys that know how to defend your rights and fight for your driving privileges. Those charged with driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs risk losing their driving privileges potentially resulting in severe ramifications including your ability to work or attend school. Having been in law enforcement for over 20 years, Scott is highly knowledgeable and experienced in the law enforcement techniques and procedures implemented in DWI or DUI cases. Scott received specialized training in radar and laser technology used by police departments across the county. Scott was certified as a DWI Standardized Field Sobriety Instructor and knows what the police can and cannot do during a stop for suspected DWI or DUI.

Other traffic violations can also carry expensive fines and the possibility of driver license suspension if you accumulate a certain amount of points. Common traffic offenses include:Speeding, Careless/Wreck Less Driving, Seat Belt Violations, Registration Violations, and many other offenses. Call us today, we can help!

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